How to get a logo design for free? You need to find it here in this article.
To Start 🙂 I have added one of my own logo design art created in photoshop way back in 2010 but still make sense in 2020, which will help you to understand what is logo design. In the side design , you will see a complete identity which is created using two words
“Logo” & “Design”
Hairs are created using the Smug tool in PS Word “Design”. Nose Letter “l” Eyes “o” Ear’s “g” representing the entire head of your company Or you can say Face of your Organisation
You can also say an Art, Graphical, Or Symbolic RePresentation of your Company head Face eyes nose. Everything which represents your company.
TEXTBOOK version are as follows:
A logo is a symbol made up of text and images that identifies a business. A good logo shows what a company does and what the brand values.
Logo design is all about creating the perfect visual brand mark for a company. Depending on the type, a logo usually consists of a symbol or brandmark and a logotype, along with a tagline.
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What does a logo do?
Logos do something aside from look pretty, right? Yes! Logos serve many functions.
A logo makes you stand out from the competition
Perhaps the most fundamental function of a logo is giving your business a unique mark that differentiates you from other businesses.
Logo design by Team Megabitts Design Swapnil

This is especially important if your business has competition (which 99.9% of them do). Before you get a logo for your business you’ll want to research what your competitors’ look like so you can position yourself.
Check out how the TOWNCAR logo a mockup design sample Gives Punch of a Strong Visual End and shows easily Associated with Automobile Industry still a concept 🙂
Of course, you don’t want to be so unusual that potential customers don’t understand your brand.
A logo identifies key information about your business
Logo design by Team Megabitts for SSC

Along with demarcating your business, a good logo also provides your customer with some crucial information about your company: it can communicate the industry you exist in, the service you provide, your target demographic and your brand values.
For example, a company might use circuit imagery into their logo to show that they operate in the software industry. Or they might use a specific color to communicate they are committed to being green/environmental. Or they might use a stylish font to highlight that they are luxurious.
Check out how Sportman Shooting Centre Symbolic Logo shows Guns cross on the shape of bullets label.
A logo builds brand recognition
Logo design by Team Meagabitts Renumic

Logos also leave a visual impact that reminds your customers that, well… that you exist!
In other words, logos can create strong visual associations with a business. This association helps customers keep your brand in mind.
Think about brands like Nike or McDonalds, whose logos are so ubiquitous that they can be instantly recognized with or without the name attached. It’s no surprise that logos are such a central part of brand identity.
Types of logo?
1. Typography
When it comes to form, a logo will usually contain some kind of typographic element. This can range from a monogram-style single letter, to an abbreviation or the full title of the business.
Logo design by Team Megabitts for BOXN comp

2. Imagery

Sometimes typography is accompanied by symbols or icons. These can be representative or composed of abstract geometric elements.
In certain instances, logos also include decorative elements such as line work or visual punctuations—such as small stars or dotted lines—that don’t necessarily create a specific, stand alone image.
3. Color
Beyond form comes color. Logos can be black and white, monochrome or multicolored. Multicolored logos often have palettes that are either analogous, meaning colors of similar hue, or complementary, meaning colors of distant or opposite hue.
The Share Your Table example contains a full color, complementary color palette. For more on color, check out our Logo colors article.
4. Context
In some instances, a logo is also defined by the context in which it is used.

Logo design by Team Megabitts for TBR
With that said, it’s important to think about when and where logos can be applied.
Commonly we see logos online, on business cards, in storefronts, advertising and it print. But your business might have specific needs.
In the example on the left, the circular design is a perfect fit for drink coasters!
5. Static or dynamic elements

One fork in the road in logo design worth mentioning is the decision to create a static logo—one which looks the same everywhere it exists—or a dynamic logo—one which changes depending on its context. Notice how the example interchanges elements depending on the application.
6. Negative Spacing Logo Design
Fulcrum Concept Logo Design by Megabitts
Negative spacing is using to create a “F” Pipelines for Gas Energy Services.

Logo design by team Megabitts
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